Sports and Recreation

Bring your Sports Club to Life

Imagineer’s powerful 3D walkthrough experience empowers gym owners to easily capture the attention of any prospective guest right where they start their search – online. Guests and event planners conduct a huge amount of research online before they make a decision to join a gym.


Our 3D walkthroughs give your potential members the most realistic and engaging experience of your space right when they want it most.

Give them the best experience, before they arrive.


Fitinn is one of Austria’s biggest operators of fitness studios. After 10 years and over 100,000 members nationwide, Fitinn has grown to become a major player in the fitness industry. Explore the Rathausplatz studio using this 3D tour.

84% of customers search google maps for gyms near them before they visit in person .


(Source: Think with Google, 2017)

Interactive Floorplans

Fly from 2d to 3D

Dollshouse view

Spin around & zoom in

Google Streetview

Integrate with GSV

3D Tour

Explore in True 3D™

360 Panoramas

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Reveal video mid-tour

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