View theatre seats remotely – Tolethorpe Hall 3D Tour

Tolethorpe Hall in true 3D

At Imagineer we have been keen to help local businesses that have been suffering during the pandemic. With access to virtual tour cameras and sophisticated technology we are able to help businesses transform much of their user experiences and how people engage with their brands.

With this in mind we looked locally and approached schools and theatre companies who have been affected in the Rutland Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire counties. This example of Tolethorpe Hall aims to delight and surprise the visitors giving them a very memorable way of visiting the grounds ahead of their theatre experience.

The 3-D virtual tour for Tolethorpe Hall and the Stamford Shakespeare Company was completed in a few hours. The aim of this virtual tour is to provide theatre-goers with the ability to book tickets remotely and see where they can be sitting during the performance.

On a bright summers day in May 2021 we completed the work using the BLK360 and the Matterport Pro2 camera. Both cameras integrate on the Matterport cloud platform using the Capture app.


The Key Advantage

The key advantage of a 3-D virtual tour using both of these these cameras means that both the interior and exterior of the grounds can be captured in one seamless user experience. The multiple pro two does not work in direct sunlight and therefore scanning exterior grounds, estates and park land during the day is impossible. We therefore recommended that the integration of the BLK360 for the exterior spaces combined with the Matterport Pro2 will provide a single user experience enabling individuals to walk through the grounds as if they were there. The virtual tour is embedded into the Stamford Shakespeare company website and enables audiences to view the seating guide and grounds before they book tickets.

click to play

There are powerful analytics behind the virtual tour which enables the company to see user analytics such as where people spend the most time on the virtual tour, how many people have been visiting and from which geographic location they have visited from.

The entire project has taken seven days to complete and we believe that this will really help the future of remote booking at a time when Covid has had such a tough impact on the theatre industry.